Our solutions

Sentibotics Fleet - for warehouse logistics

Sentibotics Fleet is a multi-robotics solution for warehouse and in-shop logistics. The robot fleet takes over the ‘walking’ and ‘driving’ from the warehouse workers, saving the time and costs. The solution is based on Sentibotics Platform SP800 mobile robots, allowing warehouse or in-shop workers and managers to use multiple SP800 robots for transportation of goods, tools and other items.

Sentibotics Fleet solution main components

  • Multiple Sentibotics Platform SP800 robots that do all the hard work for the people. They are autonomous and self-navigating robots. Find more details on SP800 robots here.
  • Server that collects all the required info from robots, allows robots sharing information between themselves and manages their workload. It also provides a web interface for the users.
  • Web application that allows users to interface with the system. It allows warehouse workers to, for example, ask for a robot to arrive at their location using a mobile device (tablet or mobile phone). After loading it, the robot can be sent to a desired location for unloading or further loading. It also displays robots’ status, their positions in the map and the job queue. Locations in the maps can be labeled so that users can send the robots to these locations without needing to find them in the map.

Please contact us with your application requirements and we could discuss the details further.

Violet.Vision - for smart disinfection

Our partners and experts in disinfection systems violet.vision uses Sentibotics Platform SP800 to automate their disinfection protocol. The room is firstly scanned to create a 3D map and estimate the optimal positions for the ultraviolet disinfection lamp placements. The SP800 mounted with ultraviolet lamps then drives to these locations and turns on the lamps, repeating the process at required time intervals or whenever necessary. Please visit violet.vision website for more information.